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  • Changes in insulin and corticosterone levels may partly mediate the hypolipidemic effect of guar gum and low-molecular weight pectin in rats
  • date: 2019/3/13 visits:1769 

    Changes in insulin and corticosterone levels may partly mediate the hypolipidemic effect of guar gum and low-molecular weight pectin in rats

    Damien Grizarda, Michel Dalleb, Chantal Barthomeufa

    a Laboratoire de Pharmacognosie et Biotechnologies, UFR de Pharmacie, Université d’Auvergne, 63001 Clermont-FD Cedex, France

    b Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Performance Motrice, Université Blaise-Pascal, France

    Nutrition Research

    Volume 21, Issue 8, August 2001, 1185–1190;


    The effects of guar gum and a low-molecular weight pectin (LMM-pectin) on growth-rates and postprandial plasma triacylglycerol (TAG), total cholesterol (TCh), glucose, insulin, glucagon and corticosterone levels were investigated in rats. After 8 days of adaptation, rats were fed diets containing either sucrose (Controls) or experimental fibers for three weeks. Compared with controls, rats fed soluble fibers showed a significant decrease of TAG, TCh and insulin concentrations without changes in postprandial blood glucose levels. Glucagon was up-regulated. Compared to rats fed LMM-pectin, a significant decrease (- 61%) of postprandial corticosterone was observed in rats fed guar gum. It is suggested that the decrease of corticosterone and insulin levels may partly explain the more important hypolipidemic effect observed in this group.



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