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  • Lead Absorption and Excretion in Rats Given Insoluble Salts of Pectin
  • date: 2019/3/29 visits:1789 
  • Lead Absorption and Excretion in Rats Given Insoluble Salts of Pectin and Alginate  

    International Journal of Toxicology

    May 2006 vol. 25 no. 3 195-203;doi: 10.1080/10915810600683291

     Maxim Khotimchenko,  Irina Serguschenko

    1 Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Vladivostok State Medical University,, Russia 2, Ostryakova ave., Vladivostok, 690990, Russia.


    Exposure to environmental lead remains a widespread problem in most industrialized countries. Usage of modern agents purposed for elimination of heavy metals as well as for therapy and prevention of chronic poisoning does frequently result in toxic signs. Dietary nonstarch polysaccharides were suggested to be effective when used for this purpose. The present study was conducted to estimate metal binding capacity and effects of calcium salts of pectate and alginate on lead absorption, distribution, and removal with feces. Under in vitro conditions calcium alginate showed the highest lead-binding capacity in comparison with other agents studied. Metal binding capacity of calcium pectate was slightly lower. In rats simultaneous administration of lead acetate and suspensions containing calcium alginate or calcium pectate prevented metal absorption and significantly reduced lead accumulation in inner organs and femur. In experiments estimating lead removal from inner organs and femur in rats preliminary exposed to the heavy metal, calcium alginate and calcium pectate were the most effective agents studied in comparison with others, as indicated by reduced lead concentration in organs and femur as well as increased metal content in feces of laboratory animals. The results suggest that calcium pectate and calcium alginate may be considered perspective dietary compounds purposed for prevention and treatment of chronic lead poisoning.


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