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  • Progress on Anti-tumor Activity of Pectin
  • date: 2019/5/14 visits:3813 
    Progress on Anti-tumor Activity of Pectin
    Li Yinghua1 , Zhu Wei1, 2
    (1. The Fifth people's Hospital of shanghai, Fudan University, shanghai 200240, China;
    2. Industrial Technology Research Institute of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China)
    〔World Science and Technology/Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica〕
    Abstract: In this article, we reviewed studies on anti-tumor activity of pectin in recent years through data retrieval. The tumor treatment effect with pectin and interaction among anti-tumor medications were summarized. The analysis was made on the effect of pectin and Galectin-3 in tumor in order to discuss the anti-tumor mechanism of pectin. Finally, the development trend of anti-tumor study of pectin was pointed out to provide references.
    Keywords: Pectin, anti-tumor, activity study, review
    李英华 1 ,朱 威 1,2**
    (1. 复旦大学上海市第五人民医院 上海 200240;浙江大学工业技术研究院 杭州 310029)
    摘 要:本文通过查阅近年来果胶抗肿瘤活性研究的相关文献,对近年来果胶改善肿瘤效果以及果胶
    和部分抗肿瘤药物之间的相互作用进行总结,并分析果胶与体内半乳糖凝集素-3 在抗肿瘤中的作用,对
    关键词:果胶 抗肿瘤 活性研究 综述
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